The History of Lausanne


The Lord led Loren and Darlene to begin YWAM’s schools in Lausanne in order that we might pick up some pf the mantles that had fallen to the ground here: hospitality, Christian university, nonformal education for sacrificial ministry exemplified in the school of Antoine Court, and teaching the nations. This 1989 video is an introduction to these domains.

One mistake; the original bishop’s residence was the smaller building seen toward the end of the video; the fortress seen at the beginning was built centuries later.

An omission: around the feet of the statue of Justice there are four human heads, representing the Pope, the king, the emperor, and the sultan. The statue was done by a French Huguenot refugee, to emphasize the truth that all people are under the Law and subject to judgement, and that the powerful are not exempt.

Tom Bloomer, Burtigny, July 2019


A Biblical View of Work


If we look at the Bible, the very first way God reveals himself in the first verse of the first chapter of the first book, (that would be Genesis 1:1, as the SBS people have figured out by now) God is working!
Where do we get this idea that work is literally a punishment?

A message given in November 2016 in Lausanne, Switzerland. With translation into Mandarin, and available with English subtitles.