Thanksgiving letter

I am thankful again this year – especially for family.

Having time with Phil & Amy was a treat, we took a week after our UofN meetings in September to visit many of our Midwest family – they got to meet Amy, and she learned a lot more about the Bloomer and Aderton clans as well as meeting several of Cynthia’s family.

Then I have had great times with my YWAM family, more “circles of covenantal love”: the people here at Burtigny, and also the groups at Chatel, Lausanne, Yverdon and Wiler; YWAM France, and Schloss Hurlach near Munich; Cape Town in South Africa; Portland, Oregon and Kona in Hawaii; the Romanian staff and Central European leaders; our UofN Workshop down by Tijuana; and the many dear Swiss believers who make up that particular branch of the family of God.

Speaking at a family camp in the canton of Glarus, I visited the village my Swiss ancestor left in the early 17th century; I had been there only once before, with my parents in 1977. They were much in my thoughts in those days, and I dream of them often. My 91-year-old Mom is still with us, although we came close to losing her in October. Then she decided she wasn’t ready to leave, and got better! Now she’s back to playing Bingo (and winning!) and singing along when my brother plays the piano.

Finally, thanks to all who pray for me – you are many, and so much appreciated. The Lord has gotten me through 19 months after Cynthia’s passing now, and you have helped me in so many different ways. Sometimes I feel the loneliness, but I am sure of nothing more than this: I am not alone. Relationships are without price; and the One Who grants them, along with every other good and perfect gift, is wonderful beyond our imagining. I count each of you who receive this letter as members of my family.

Love to all,
